Yearly Archives: 2015

16 posts

Mother Goose and the Tale of the SR&ED Audit

“Your third SR&ED claim has to be less than the second claim, but more than the first….” “You aren’t supposed to claim all of your SR&ED eligible work in the first year….” “If my first claim is audited, they won’t accept any subsequent claims….” Over the years, we have heard all sorts of different reasons as to why companies have had their SR&ED claims audited. However, in our experience, it is safe to say that these arcane reasons are not why a claim is audited. MCN consultants have attended dozens of SR&ED audits, and have had the chance to ask CRA reviewers why claims are audited. Consistently they respond with the following answers: “The technical report did not demonstrate a good understanding of SR&ED eligible work….” “There were some mistakes or misunderstandings in the financial components….” “Every year a certain number of clients are selected for audit at random….” The […]

SR&ED Advice: Treat the CRA Like a Customer

The number one piece of advice we give to our clients with respect to the Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) program is to treat the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a Customer. The reason for this is quite simple: Return on Investment. At the end of the year, the CRA will provide your company a return on your qualifying R&D investments through the SR&ED program. To get your return, you must undertake eligible activities, provide certain deliverables (i.e. T661) and maintain appropriate records. This is not unlike the activities an organization would undertake when completing work for a ‘regular’ client.  As in any other case, your return greatly depends on the customer satisfaction. One area where this philosophy particularly applies is maintaining quality supporting documentation for your SR&ED activities. In the T4088-08e (Guide to the T661), the CRA states that contemporaneous documentation is the “best supporting evidence that you […]

Deadlines for SR&ED Claims, SR&ED Processing Times and When to Expect a Return

It is common knowledge that a company has 18 months following their fiscal year end to submit a claim for SR&ED Investment Tax Credits (ITC). The claim can be submitted concurrently with a T2 or filed later as an amendment. However, the time you will wait before receiving your SR&ED ITC or cash depends on three factors: (a) how the SR&ED claim is submitted, (b) when it is submitted, and (c) whether the claim triggers a review. When a SR&ED claim is submitted as an amendment, the CRA will typically review it within 8 months following submission. If a SR&ED claim is filed concurrently with your annual tax return, the CRA will usually process the claim within 3 months following submission.  Provided your SR&ED claim doesn’t trigger a CRA review or an audit, your refund will be on the way shortly after the claim is processed. It is also not […]